Oh yeah!

I got a nice juicy bit of good news this evening. Bad Moon Books will be publishing something from me. With a name like that, you might think it’d be a werewolf book, but that isn’t the case. They’ll be releasing my novelette Little Graveyard on the Prairie sometime in 2009. Because they’re booked up, I can’t give a more specific date just yet. Bad Moon Books just released the collector’s edition of Greg Lamberson’s excellent novel Johnny Gruesome. Other authors they’ve published include J.F. Gonzalez, Kealan Patrick Burke and John Urbancik.

I think this is one of my best stories. It’s kind of a personal tale about ghosts and Alzheimer’s disease and a family that’s fallen apart, set on my grandparents’ old farm in Ripley, Okla. There’s no sex, not much violence … it’s a book my kids will be able to show their friends and teachers. I look forward to seeing it released, and to being a part of what Roy is doing at Bad Moon Books.

Have you visited Goodreads.com yet? It’s sort of a MySpace for people who love to read. You can mark books you want to read, leave reviews of books you’ve read, etc.

5 responses to “Oh yeah!”

  1. Whoo hoo! *does happy spoon dance* So happy for you. This is good news.

  2. Awesome!!!
    That’s great news!
    And that goodreads.com gets addictive… It’s almost like looking through someone’s bookshelves at home and saying, “read it, read it, read it, gonna read it, read it, HATED IT, read it…”
    I like it.

  3. Great news, Steve! Congratulations. We are now Bad Moon Brothers.

  4. Yay!! Congratulations!

  5. All right, Steve!
    Good job, man.

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